When they discovered this poor creature on the street, they knew it was in serious trouble.

When they discovered this poor creature on the street, they knew it was in serious trouble.

When they found Hidey on the streets, her condition was dire. While cats are often independent, some breeds require regular grooming, and Hidey had suffered years of neglect because her owner, struggling with Alzheimer’s, couldn’t care for her. Rescuers initially thought she was an alien-like creature due to her matted fur.

Paul Russell, who discovered her, said, “My god, this is a cat!” At 14 years old, Hidey was rescued by an animal-loving couple and taken to the Animal Rescue League Shelter & Wildlife Center.

Her neglect highlighted the responsibility of elderly pet ownership. CEO Dan Rossi stressed the importance of supporting seniors with pets.

After a medical team shaved her dreadlock-like fur, Hidey was rehomed with a family member, reminding us of the need to care for elderly pet owners and their animals.