On a crowded bus, an unsettling event unfolded during an ordinary commute. The driver, going about his route, seemed unaware of the bizarre situation unfolding around him. One of the passengers, however, noticed something unusual on the driver’s coat and, upon closer inspection, saw insects crawling across his neck and ears. To his horror, the man realized the driver was infested with hundreds of lice.
Disturbed by what he saw, the passenger, Primo Onipa, decided to document the incident by recording a video and sharing it on Facebook. In his post, Primo claimed that the driver had not bathed or changed clothes in over a year and emitted a strong, unpleasant odor. He described the driver as seemingly desensitized to the lice, as if they no longer bothered him. The video quickly garnered attention, with many online users expressing their outrage, questioning how someone with lice could be trusted to operate a public bus.
Lice, small parasitic insects that feed on blood, are often associated with itching and discomfort. While not directly linked to poor hygiene or poverty, lice can spread diseases and are transmitted easily between people. Though difficult to spot, lice infestations can be identified using sticky tape to catch them. The public outcry was swift, and the video was eventually removed by the uploader, but the disturbing images of the bus driver left a lasting impression.