P3. If you see a man with one painted fingernail, here’s what it means

P3. If you see a man with one painted fingernail, here’s what it means

During a visit to Cambodia, Elliot Costello met a young girl named Thea, a moment that would deeply influence him. As they talked, Thea, a victim of sexual abuse, painted one of Elliot’s nails. He promised to keep it painted as a reminder of her and the pain she endured. This encounter inspired Elliot to create a movement aimed at ending sexual abuse against children.

Elliot founded the #PolishedMan campaign, encouraging men to paint one nail to symbolize the one in five children affected by sexual violence. The movement works to challenge violent behaviors and language, with the goal of reducing the number of children harmed. Elliot believes that since men are responsible for the majority of these offenses, they must lead the change.

The painted nail serves not only as a reminder of the widespread abuse but also as a conversation starter, sparking discussions on prevention. Elliot hopes that through this campaign, more men will take a stand and contribute to supporting educational programs for survivors of abuse.