Ally Langdon struggled to hold back tears during a heart-wrenching interview with Andrea and Paul Haynes, who shared the tragic story of their 13-year-old daughter, Esra. A promising athlete and beloved friend, Esra lost her life to “chroming,” a dangerous trend involving inhaling toxic chemicals for a temporary high. At a sleepover on March 31, Esra inhaled aerosol deodorant, causing cardiac arrest and irreversible brain damage. After eight days on life support, her devastated parents made the agonizing decision to let her go, surrounded by family and friends.
Determined to prevent further tragedies, the Haynes family now advocates for increased awareness about chroming. They emphasize the importance of educating young people about its deadly risks and encouraging open conversations at home. Paul regrets not knowing about chroming earlier, believing it could have saved Esra. By sharing their story, the Haynes hope to warn others about this hazardous trend and honor Esra’s memory by saving lives.